Judy Condon's newest book has arrived... Let us know if you wish to purchase. $28.95 (includes shipping)
Yes, I do blog...just not as much as I should or could. LOL I have some friends who want to see & hear more blogging and some who don't care if they ever read mine or anyone elses.
Ok..this is for the ones who care... : ) The pic above is one of my favorites...first of all, I love Giles' workshop/barn. I can look out from the cabin and invision him working away at some wonderful creation. Sometimes, we'll go for hours and not communicate, but all either of us has to do is push a button on the intercom and hear the other one answer.
This time of year, it's hard to get too many simple goodes completed because of the weather...after all, that heater will only heat so much and feet do get cold. I don't venture out there too often in the winter...you'll laugh, but one reason I don't is my legs are so short, if there is much snow on the ground, I need 'hip boots' on just to plow through and down the hill.
I just leave him to his work and I try to do some stitchin' or some hand-work up here in the cabin. Around lunch time, he'll trudge up here for something warm to eat and then off he goes, back to his work. The man cannot sit still, so it's good that he has such a welcoming place to create...and I'm sure he spends a good amount of time day-dreaming too...about SPRING! A long time off, but a man can dream!