What a nice way to finish up the 'show season'...THE GATHERING in Nashville, Tenn. was
a great show with lots of wonderful antiques and folk art...I met some of the nicest people, one of them being Pam from Beehind Thyme Garden & Wares. What a sweetie...and she's very talented. I sure grabbed some of her creations for myself.
This was our first time setting up at THE GATHERING and we were pleased enough to make plans to go back for the Spring show in March. Also, we were pleasantly surprised when right
before the show started Friday morning, we were awarded the LOOKING GOOD award for
the Best In Show booth. We were in good company with all the other great looking set-ups!
Only thing was..we had forgotten our camera...DUH! We did borrow a 'neighbor's' camera
to get a couple of shots...do you ever look at the end result of your hard work and it looks great, but when you look at a picture of the same display, it just doesn't look that great? That's me...
I'm still looking for the 'winner' picture : )